THE ETHICS OF RETOUCHING ~ Most headshots require retouching in some areas. Stray hairs, red eyes, areas around the eyes are the most frequently targeted. It is very rare for one of my customers to request no retouching at all. When such a person comes around, I have nothing but admiration for their honesty and desire not to falsify any information. However, I believe it is totally acceptable to have some retouching done. Tradtionally, since its inception, headshots have always been touched up to some degree. So we are just keeping the playing field even, with our past.
Of course, I am not talking about making anyone look ten years younger. There would be no point in that. But, I believe it is perfectly okay to make people look like they woke up, having received a refreshing night of sleep, the day of their shoot. Below is a partial list of touch ups I can perform, when requested. These touch ups are included with your purchase(s).
Issues with Glasses - Glare and Distortion
If you always wear glasses, you may want to consider bringing a pair, without the lenses. Otherwise, there will be limits to how I can pose you, due to distortion and glare. The glare problem is diminished with nonglare glasses.
For Your Eyes Only
With the exception of teenagers, most women and about half the men want some touch up under the eyes. Stage 1 is the original photo. In Stage 2 she was given, the good night sleep adjustment. Stage 3 went a bit overboard, in my opinion. Remember, the idea is to update your headshot, not look like we just graduated from high school. The Stage 2 adjustment is totally acceptable and is what most people prefer.
Hair Repair |
I fix fly away hairs. I can also add hair in spots, if and when it is needed. For instance, you like the photo, but there is a gap where you wished there was more hair. No problem. I will give you more hair.
This applies mostly to women. If you are a male bald eagle, such as myself, unless you want to play a joke on someone, don't worry, just be happy, already!
Pearly Whites |
It is not necessary to have your teeth cleaned before making your appointment. Though I am not a dental hygienist, nor a dentist, I have this thing called Photoshop. If your pearly whites do not meet your satisfaction, I can easily brighten them. On rare occassions, I have also installed temporary caps for people. It should be noted, however, teeth have a naturally yellowish or slight grayish tint to them. They are not white white, as most of us have been trained to believe.
The above is just a partial list of the portrait edits I perform.
Website Copyright © 1999-2022 Paul Van Helden Photography