As a wedding photographer, I love long bridal veils! They look fabulous and have an angel like aura about them, but for brides, who choose to wear them on their wedding day, not everything is always so glamorous. In fact, doing so can be downright tricky at times. Long wedding veils are easily stepped on, trap debris, get caught between doors and can snag on just about anything along its path.
Yet, for all the potential trials and tribulations, many brides’ still insist that wearing them is well worth any minor pitfalls that may come along, as a result. Long bridal veils suit me just fine too, because whenever I see one, I know the opportunity for photographic adventure is just a gust of wind or a gentle breeze away.
Take the morning of Amanda’s wedding for example. It started out innocently enough. It was your average stereotypical sunny day in Tucson. I was in the middle of taking some standard bridal portraits of her, just outside St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, when a sudden burst of wind blew through, tossing Amanda’s veil in every direction but south.

We could have waited for the wind to calm down, but, with only a few minutes before the ceremony was to begin, decided to let the veil go any way the wind blows. At one point, the wind became so strong, I was afraid Amanda might blow clear to the next county. Thank goodness, that did not happen!

There were no sudden surprise gusts of wind, during David and Jennifer’s big day, above. It was actually pretty windy the whole wedding day through. After playing it safe, by capturing conventional bride and groom photos on the leeward side of St Elisabeth Ann Seton Church where they got married, we decided to turn the corner, right into the winds teeth, for a different kind of fun.

Look at the length of that thing! They probably could have used it to camp out under for their honeymoon.

Once David and Jennifer finally got situated in their wedding tent, I was having a hard time getting them back out. I was almost going to call the fire department.

A gentle spring breeze is all it took to launch Elisabeth’s veil sideways at Mountain View Country Club, in Tucson.

I was hoping there would be more wind later, when we got Donnie in on the act. Alas, there was none, and so we decided to create our own wind blown look.
Brides are so much easier going these days! Early in my career, when traditional poses reigned supreme, I may never been able to get away with taking out of the bridal box photos like these.
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