My Lien and Joe’s brief nuptial exchange last month, was followed with an equally short list of group wedding photos at The Westward Look Resort in Tucson, Arizona. We were done in about fifteen minutes. That left me with about forty-five minutes to take pictures of just the bride and groom, which is just the way they wanted it. Having that much time to photograph newlyweds, after the ceremony, is a luxury I am rarely ever given. These are some of the resulting photos.

Temperatures were well below average for April in Tucson. A rainstorm rolled through southern Arizona, the previous evening and continued into morning, leaving daytime highs hovering only around 59 degrees. At day break, we weren’t entirely sure if the bad weather would stop in time for outdoor photos. It wasn’t actually until noon, that My Lien and I realized she would not be one of the lucky brides to have it rain on her wedding day after all. Judging from her reaction, I think she was just fine with that!

Back To The Garden

On wedding days, I usually only have about fifteen to twenty minutes to spend with the bride and groom, when everything goes according to plan. Most of my couples are content with what I am able to produce in that amount of time. However, couples who want a greater assortment of photos than time may permit on their wedding day can schedule a post wedding “Trash the Dress” shoot, with me. I am now offering these shoots for the first time.
My Lien and Joe, may your trail always be covered with flowers and may your cups always remain filled with sweet unconditional Love.