Has this sort of thing ever happened to you? You’re alone, admiring the scenery. Then some cutie pie enters the picture and makes the landscape much more interesting. You’re looking at her. She’s looking at you. You feel like you have something going on. You begin to inch closer. Then just when you’re getting ready to interact, some third party idiot drops in and disrupts the whole thing. Now you are back where you started, no girl, just staring out at the moon and the Sonoran Desert. That’s what this little social scene I saw play out with three morning doves reminded me of.

Lonesome dove, checking out the scenery.

Well hello! A cutie pie enters the picture and the scenery suddendly got much better. She looks at him. He looks at her. They inch closer.

What the heck! From out of nowhere, some other dude drops in like a parachute.

Above, after the third party disruption from dude 2, she flies away and decides she doesn’t want anything to do with either of them. Dude 1, “Gee! Thanks a lot dude!” Dude 2, “I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?” Dude 1, “Yes, as a matter of fact!”

Dude 1: “Adios man and do me a favor. Find someone else to pester. Will you?” Dude 2: “I’ll leave you alone. Again, I’m sorry.” Dude 3, shakes his head.

Back to where he started, staring at the moon and the Sonoran Desert…
Thanks for reading this very brief flight of fancy. If you love birds, as I do, you may also be interested in visiting my gallery for Birds of Arizona. You’ll enjoy it.