When you make your living as a portrait and wedding photographer in Tucson, it is nice to have your headquarters in close proximity to popular wedding venues like Reflections at the Buttes.
Sometimes, I have to travel hours to the outer reaches of Arizona to get to my wedding destination. I have even flown across the country to photograph them. So, whenever you only have to drive five scenic miles to your next job, it is not quite like working from home, but it comes close.
Reflections at the Buttes is set up perfectly for weddings. A gazebo serves as the alter area for the ceremony site, with the Santa Catalina Mountains, providing a beautiful backdrop. Inside, Reflections provides a luxurious bridal room for the bride and her girls to get ready in, before the ceremony. There is also an area designated for the groom and his party to fumble around with their bow ties. The dining room and dance area provides plenty of wedding ambiance and can hold a maximum of about *145 people. (*You will have to check with Reflections for the exact number.) The staff at Reflections is a proactive one. They see to it, your wedding day will flow smoothly and efficiently and, by the way, I am not too shabby at that either. Should a problem arise, I have seen the people at Reflections come to a bride’s aid in a moments notice. Add to all that, the fact their facility is easily accessed from Oracle Road in Oro Valley; it should not surprise anyone that they happen to book a ton of weddings there.
Sarah and Derek’s wedding is one of two weddings I photographed at Reflections this past March. Prior to those weddings, the last wedding I had there was more than two years ago. I suppose it is easy to get lost in the shuffle these days, when there are so many more wedding photographers in Tucson, from which brides and grooms can choose. In my short twenty years of photographing weddings, I have seen these things come and go, like the tide. With another wedding scheduled there this year, maybe this time the tide has come in to stay. It is always nice when you do not have to travel very far!

Before I became a wedding photographer, I worked as an assistant to a wedding photographer. One of the first things I learned how to do was to set up a brides wedding dress for photos. After more than two decades, I still get a lot of very surprised wedding guest, when they see me set up a brides wedding dress in virtually one quick motion. (Wedding photographers are supposed to know how to do that.)

I would like to wish Derek and Sarah a very blessed life together. May your loving cups flow like a river to the sea that never ends!
You can see more wedding photography taken at this venue, at the Reflections at the Buttes pages of my website.
Check out my first and only YouTube video, so far. It includes one of the photos in this post.